Beware of the Energy You Surround Yourself With

CityLife Wellbeing

Beware of the Energy You Surround Yourself With


Violetta Sekler is a Personal and Relationship Coach driven to help people succeed in life and love.

Let’s talk about energy and how other people’s energy is influencing your life. Energy is one of the fundamental factors to determine whether you live a beautiful peaceful life, or one filled with turmoil and pain.

It is often hard to see the wood from the trees so to speak when you are in the middle of turmoil and even harder to find a pathway out of it when you realise you are in a negative energetic spiral. But changing the energy of the people and things you surround yourself with is one sure way to set you on the right path to a positive direction very quickly.

Take these initial steps to free up your energy field with the negative people in your life:

Do a health check on your friendship circle. Are there people within your friendship group that continually drain your positive energy and make you feel flat after being with them? While you may love them dearly, sometimes it’s important to limit the time you are in their physical presence to protect your own energy levels. As quite simply emotions are contagious.
What about your family? Are there members of your family that seem to always pollute you with negative emotions? It’s not about disowning those family members, but more about setting healthy boundaries for yourself that can protect your emotions and your positive state of mind and energy.

Interestingly, neuroscientific research shows that the more rapport we have with someone, the more likely we are to mimic their behaviour, and therefore start to feel their emotions. And the stronger the emotion, the bigger the emotional transfer to you.

Jim Rohn famously said that we are “the average of the five people we spend the most time with.”

As I have mentioned before, times of adversity can be our most transformative moments in life. But they are also times when we can choose to spiral downward, or to spiral up. Surround yourself with people in these times who want nothing more for you than to spiral upward.

Your energetic field is also affected by your environment, so choose where you spend your time. We are spoilt for choice with the numerous stunning places to go in Australia, right in our own back yards. So set yourself a goal to explore a new location in your city each week and start to rewire your mind to enjoy new and wonderful things. Your energy levels will thank you for it!


Me pictured recently on Snapper Island enjoying the stunning tropical surrounds.