Publisher’s Note | CityLife Magazine | Autumn 2025

Well hasn’t the year started off with some pretty serious weather activity across Queensland!
It has certainly catapulted us into the year with gusto, that’s for sure. At the time of writing this Autumn edition Publisher’s Note, it’s the beginning of March, and we’re all sitting back asking ourselves how the first quarter of the year is already coming to a close? The good news is, it’s almost Easter, and many of us will get some well deserved downtime with your loved ones to catch our breathe.
The CityLife Annual Business Retreat is BACK! If you’re in business or in a lead or management role within your organisation, this event is for you! See Daniel Flynn, Co-Founder of iconic international brand ‘Thankyou.’ as one of our keynote speakers, along with Media Personality and Social Commentator Jane Caro AM.
These two highly acclaimed speakers will lead a two day event dedicated to the business community of Far North Queensland with expert local presenters backing them up in key fields to help skyrocket your business success for the 2025-2026 financial year and beyond!
The Annual Business Retreat is the perfect blend of restoration and relaxation to usher in a New Financial Year full of positivity and a refreshed focus for attendees, as well as time to strategically map out a solid plan of attack with the guidance of local experts to give your business the best opportunity for success in the 2025-2026 period. So make sure you keep up to date on our social media platforms and website for all the latest speaker and program announcements – – this is an event not to be missed!
In this edition our Annual Wedding Feature showcases some stunning venues to tie the knot in our region and make your special day the most memorable it can possibly be. A long line of high quality local suppliers are also included as well as a detailed wedding planner to get you organised.
And as we head into the Federal Election our undefeated long time Federal Member for Leichhardt, the Honourable Warren Entsch MP is entering retirement and ushering in a new era. We caught up with LNP Candidate Jeremy Neal, who the party and Warren Entsch have endorsed as his successor, so you could meet the man behind the politics before election day.
Whichever way you intend to vote this election, get informed and across the policy and funding announcements of all candidates before making your decision. This election is an important one for us all – our nation faces challenges from a geopolitical perspective in terms of defence, trade and food security – so it’s a time to make your vote count.
Danae xx
CityLife Magazine® is published quarterly by CityLife Media Pty Ltd March 2025 to May 2025. All material within the publication remains the property of the publishers unless permission is otherwise sought in writing. Those who make advertising placement and or supply editorial content to CityLife Magazine® undertake to ensure all material does not infringe copyright, trademark, defamation, libel, slander or title. The above mentioned patrons agree to indemnify the publishers against any investigations, claims or judgements. The views expressed in CityLife Magazine® are those of the contributors, and are not necessarily shared by the publication. CityLife Media Pty Ltd copyright March 2025 to May 2025.
Kayla McDermott
Photographed by:
Romy Bullerjahn
Styled by:
Lovena Bridal & Tokunai Hair
Hitcher’s Love Shack