Publisher’s Note Quarter 3 | 2021

Publisher’s Note

Well the past 18 months have been a mixed bag of emotions for us all and the recent lockdowns in Australia and right here in Far North Queensland have really brought home that we are far from being out of the COVID-19 woods.

Despite the constant upheaval and pivoting we have become accustomed to, we are always in awe at how Cairns responds to crisis situations and the way businesses continue to be so incredibly resilient. We really are a certain type of people in Regional Australia. Getting through tough times is in our DNA and sticking together and supporting our fellow neighbours is what we do best in these times. We urge you to continue to support our local businesses at every turn. It is important now more than ever before in history. You will find many of our local businesses putting on a very brave face at the minute, while racing around madly behind the scenes to keep their head above water emotionally, mentally and financially. We like to call it the ‘Swan Effect’ – behaving with grace and unruffled feathers on the surface, while swimming like crazy under water where no-one can see to meet the current demands.

We’ve all done ‘swanning’ in our lives at one point or another. It’s a familiar coping mechanism that we can all relate to. So let’s take a moment to empathise with our local business community in these times and instead of getting impatient when a local business is delayed with a product or service, let’s show compassion for what they’re going through. Many are understaffed and unable to find skilled workers to assist them get through this rough patch, some are struggling with cashflow and stressed to their eyeballs about how they’re going to meet their next mortgage repayment or put food on the table for their families. Others are doing so well they are finding it hard to breathe as they struggle to keep up with the demand. Regardless of what business you encounter that isn’t meeting your expectations of service right now, we’d like you to stop and ask yourself how can I help them feel better about what’s going on in their world right now? … and it might simply be a gentle smile for them through the chaos as you’re being served. It could be a simple “that’s okay mate, I know there’s a lot of delays at the moment with stock arriving, what’s the new estimated delivery time?” when talking to a business who hasn’t been able to deliver a product to you on time. It’s about respect, compassion and empathy for our fellow humans in these times. It’s about unconditionally supporting our local business community so that at the end of this we have a thriving economy to bounce back to once this whole COVID crisis eases.

It’s about meeting people where they’re at and letting them know that we truly are #inthistogether instead of just using it as a hashtag on social media to make ourselves feel good. It’s about genuinely displaying it in all that we do.

We are excited to showcase so many of these great businesses in our Q3 edition. We are so proud of the incredible tenacity that each and every one of them are showing in these times. Please do whatever you can to support them and all the amazing events that we have coming up in our wonderful region over the coming three months. It’s Spring Racing & Festival season after all!

Stay safe and don’t forget to Keep It In Cairns and #DOITWITHALOCAL wherever you can.

Jac & Danae xx

Cover Image credits:

Veronica Sagredo
Blueclick Photography

Cooper Racing
Cannon Park Racecourse

Model horse:

Cover story:
Gillian Collins
Hudson Fox

CityLife Magazine™ is published quarterly by CityLife Media Pty Ltd August 2021 – October 2021. All material within the publication remains the property of the publishers unless permission is otherwise sought in writing. Those who make advertising placement and or supply editorial content to CityLife Magazine™ undertake to ensure all material does not infringe copyright, trademark, defamation, libel, slander or title. The above mentioned patrons agree to indemnify the publishers against any investigations, claims or judgements. The views expressed in CityLife Magazine™ are those of the contributors, and are not necessarily shared by the publication. CityLife Media Pty Ltd copyright August 2021 – October 2021.

CityLife Media Pty Ltd
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