Publisher’s Note | Summer 2020
Publisher’s Note | Summer 2020

We are excited to be relaunching the CityLife Magazine™ brand and building on its strong following in the community. CityLife Magazine™ is the longest serving glossy magazine in the city, having been in business for well over two decades. We have thoroughly enjoyed working with our team on this latest edition and we hope you enjoy what we have in store for you in 2020.
CityLife Magazine™ is now quarterly in PRINT and daily in DIGITAL. You will see your much loved fashion, lifestyle and business magazine now in PRINT, VIDEO, TV, SOCIAL MEDIA, ONLINE, EMAIL & EVENTS. We are bringing the businesses of Cairns to life in 2020 and beyond and we are excited to showcase all of our loyal advertisers and contributors and many new ones who have thrown their weight behind our publication and everything it now has to offer.
We would also like to share with you that we have a new face at CityLife™, 4th generation Cairns local Danae Jones, who has invested in the publication as a half owner. There are few who do not know Danae, having boasted a multi-award winning career in the media business space for as long as this magazine has been in existence. In fact Danae was one of the very first columnists of this magazine when it was born over 20 years ago. She is feeling quite nostalgic about her involvement continuing in a larger capacity going forward.
Naturally due to Danae’s involvement, the very talented team at Danae Jones Consulting and DanaeTV have helped immensely in our reinvigoration and we couldn’t be more proud of the collaboration of both our teams in burning the midnight oil to make this relaunch everything we hoped it would be. We have become a blended family of sorts and look forward to curating informative and interesting content to improve your business and your quality of life.
Anyone involved in CityLife Magazine™ now has access to our tribe of Cameramen, Video Editors, Digital Specialists, Graphic Designers, Photographers and Public Relations & Marketing Strategists to boost our advertisers reach across all of our platforms.
Collaborating and sharing this journey with one another has been uplifting to say the least. We have known each other for many years and it has been so wonderful to finally work together as co-owners of a magazine we both hold very dear. We hope you enjoy the new life we have breathed into the CityLife™ brand and all it now has to offer the city of Cairns.
Check out our Facebook and Instagram pages over the coming weeks and months ahead as we have loads of great content for you. And don’t forget to check out our VIDEO version of our Cover Story, Big Heart Big Business online – just one of the special new additions to the CityLife™ media line up.
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for being the best loyal readership we could possibly ask for. Here’s to a successful 2020 for us all!
Jac & Danae xx
CityLife Contributors
Mercedes Gonzalez
MG Travel
CityLife Travel
Rob Gronbeck
The Brain Room
Alli Fielding
Nadine Edwards
LJ Hooker Edge Hill
Acting Inspector Gary Hunter
Safe Night Precints
Nardine Collier
Collier Family Law
CityLife LAW
CityLife Magazine™ is published monthly by CityLife Media Pty Ltd January 2020 – March 2020. All material within the publication remains the property of the publishers unless permission is otherwise sought in writing. Those who make advertising placement and or supply editorial content to CityLife Magazine™ undertake to ensure all material does not infringe copyright, trademark, defamation, libel, slander or title. The above mentioned patrons agree to indemnify the publishers against any investigations, claims or judgements. The views expressed in CityLife Magazine™ are those of the contributors, and are not necessarily shared by the publication. CityLife Media Pty Ltd copyright January 2020 – March 2020.
CityLife Media
Pty Ltd
PO Box 1747
Cairns Q 4870
M. 0416 331 125