Publisher’s Note | Kid’s Life Media Spring 2023

Welcome to the 1st edition of KIDSLife! We are so very excited to bring you the re-launched KIDSLife for our Q3 edition. Some 15 years ago, CityLife produced this dedicated supplement and you might remember our well attended KIDSLife Expos too. Well, it’s time to bring them back! We would not be in a position to expand our offering if it wasn’t for YOU, our loyal readers and supporters. Every single one of you have contributed to our success, and for that we say a big heartfelt THANK YOU!
We couldn’t be happier to have a few of the nation’s biggest names in this space as our guest contributors for this edition, Maggie Dent and Dr Justin Coulson. They join some of our favourite locals who have a wealth of knowledge to share about our little people like Baby Bears Chair Founder, Alison Fitzsimmons. We also had the pleasure of sitting down with former yellow Wiggle, Emma Memma when she was in Cairns recently for a chat to hear all about her latest twirly book tour.
Whether it’s tips to navigate pregnancy and your newborn baby’s journey, right through to the teenage years and all the parenting stuff in between, KIDSLife is here to support you and your family. As a mother of two myself, I know all too well how important it is to have up to date and helpful information at your fingertips to navigate parenthood!
This year CityLife Magazine celebrates its 28th year in operation! (Yes you read correctly! Crazy how fast time flies huh!?). We have always been proud of being the longest serving lifestyle and business magazine in Far North Queensland, and now we’ll have something for everyone in each edition with the re-introduction of KIDSLife.
You will continue to receive CityLife just the way you want it (Quarterly in Print and Daily in Digital). CityLife & KIDSLife content can be accessed on the following platforms everyday of the year: TV, Radio, Podcast, Social Media, Online, eComms, Print and LIVE Events. So more CityLife, just the way you want it.
We’d love to hear from you and know what it is that you’d like to read about. Feel free to drop us a line –
In the meantime, enjoy this special edition. We hope you can feel the love that was poured into bringing it to life for you.
Danae xx