THE POWER OF PR™ with Danae Jones | Discover Your Difference


THE POWER OF PR™ with Danae Jones

Discover Your Difference

Danae Jones

Danae Jones is Managing Director of PR & Marketing firm Danae Jones Consulting Pty Ltd

With all the talk of doom and gloom and pending recessions, naturally you would be questioning what you’re spending your money on in all aspects of life right now.

But one thing history tells us about previous downturns is that the businesses that continued to market themselves and communicate and promote their products and services to their audience, not only survived, but came out stronger on the other side.

So while it is prudent to reassess what you are spending your money on, marketing is not an area that you can afford to cut. It is important to review and measure and be objective in your approach. The only way to be objective in your approach with any aspect of your business is to call in the experts. When you are talking legal, get in your trusted lawyer, when you’re talking numbers, tax, cashflow and profit margins, get in your trusted accountant and business adviser. And when you’re talking marketing and public relations, call in your trusted and qualified Marketing Consultant. If you don’t have a trusted lawyer, accountant, business adviser or marketing consultant in your corner, you need to get one of each. It will be the best investment you make in the future of your business.

What’s even better in business, is when your expert team know and trust one another so they can give you the best tailored advice to suit you, your business and your industry.

Every business is different and so it requires a different approach when it comes to Marketing & Public Relations. All businesses need to have their very own strategic plan that is unique to that business and created to fit its team, vision and goals. Sure, there are some aspects of business that are the same for everyone, but your point of difference in business needs to be celebrated and showcased in these times more so than ever. And guess what, if you have a small budget, that doesn’t mean you can’t invest in strategy. I would argue that due to having only a small budget you need to invest in being more strategic than the average business to ensure you achieve the best bang for your marketing buck.

My number one tip for every business this quarter – DON’T FOLLOW THE COMPETITION! Blaze your own trail. Be different, show people why they need to work with you over the rest. And I don’t mean by bragging about how good you and your team are on social media, I mean actually delivering it. Remember the old saying ‘actions speak louder than words’ – it’s with this saying in mind I would like every business owner to sit back and think about the customers at the receiving end of their products and services right now and analyse how they can make them feel even better about doing business with you.

The positive impact you have on your customers’ lives is of most importance right now. It will pay massive dividends in the long run if you invest in this aspect of your business now.