The Beauty of Change | Violetta Sekler

Recent times have been filled with many storms and a hell of a lot of change. Change that many of us have not wanted, so it has brought about a lot of anxiety for people on many levels and for differing reasons. But not all storms come to disrupt our lives, some come to clear our paths. And what if the current series of events in time are here to clear a path for humanity and pave the way for a new and improved way of doing things?

I myself have found I have had more time with my family which has been a true blessing. I have also found myself feeling grateful for the simplest things in life. I have had more time to explore in my own backyard and become tourist if you like in my own city. I have soaked up the amazing places to stay and the wonderful food at our local restaurants and I have even been able to travel domestically recently which was really lovely to getaway from home for a while and immerse myself in another destination as the borders re-opened.

As I write this, restrictions are starting to increase across many states and territories in Australia as we battle the second wave of COVID-19 – and the tension is rising once again.

But I would like to challenge you to take whatever comes your way as an opportunity and a blessing, not an obstacle this time round.

People are discovering how to do things differently, in business and in their personal lives. We are learning that face to face business meetings are not as essential as we once thought they were and that so much can still be done online and from home. We are craving connection with our friends and family like never before seen in this generation, because we are being deprived of that physical contact we once had so readily available to us, but often chose to push down the priority list due to the busy-ness of life. Let me ask you, could this be the shift in perspective we all needed?

Now I’m not saying COVID-19 should be welcomed, but I challenge you to sit back and look at the silver lining it may be bringing to your life and the lives of others. Perspective is a very powerful thing and there is no doubt it has universally shifted the global perspective in the blink of an eye.

As the second wave grips our nation, remember, most of your stress comes from the way you respond, not the way life is. Adjust your attitude, and all that extra stress will be gone. Let’s tackle what is thrown at us one day at a time. Be kind to ourselves and those around us. Do our best in the circumstances and ask ourselves every day what can we be grateful for, what is the silver lining in all of this. There is no doubt we will learn many lessons from these times, but learning is also an imperative for future growth. Let’s find the opportunity in everything.